Last night I was out to dinner with some friends, including the lucky mama of this handsome boy. We were talking about being inspired in our careers. Well, having just spent the morning holding this adorable boy, it was easy to speak to this subject.
I mean, really, I practically launched out of my seat,
She laughed and said, “Oh, I know, Mary. He’s pooping everywhere and Mary is just like ‘give him to me’.”
That’s how I am. We talk a lot about mourning our babies as they grow, and I swear photography is my way of suspending that effect. I don’t have to let go of the newborn phase, of the baby roll phase, of the toddler phases. I get to revisit them in each new set of bright new eyes.
And I get to spend time talking to mamas of little ones, and mamas of older ones, and just mamas. I love feeling like Maya Angelou said, the rainbow in somebody’s clouds. I like to be that person who is as obsessed with their beautiful new baby as they are. I really enjoy staring at their ears, their lashes, their perfect little wrists, and I get to paint each part with my brushes in Photoshop even after they are gone. I love holding babies, supporting mamas, and painting small bits of baby acne into buttery smoothness.
It’s true, I love my job. I love the kids I get to care for, and the mamas I get to talk with. I love the dads, I love the dogs. I love people, and I am truly blessed in knowing this family. They are going to crack jokes with me two heartbeats before shedding tears over love and it’s enormity. They will tell you the truth, they hate that shirt you want them to wear. They are always warm and welcoming and intelligent and introspective.
I love taking photographs, and saving this huge love, frozen for these children to hold years into the future. But really, my clients make me a better person, and that’s why I love my job.
Thank you all.