Gorgeous Andie was born premature at 29 weeks on May 26th weighing 2 lbs 10 oz. She didn’t come home to her family until the middle of July, when she reached a gestational age of 35 weeks 3 days weighing 4 lbs 9 oz. I didn’t meet her until a month later when she was 2 1/2 months old. I know her family is savoring her time at home with them and doing everything they can for her. They have been through a lot and it was so wonderful to be able to meet them all.
I can’t wait to watch her grow!
If you would like to book a session for your new baby, feel free to email Mary Thomas at [email protected] and we will get you on the calendar! Two Happy Lambs Photography specializes in newborns and families and serves the Central Coast of California from Paso Robles, Arroyo Grande, all the way down to Santa Maria and Santa Barbara.